Lauren Helm Lauren Helm

Stress & Anxiety In The Tech Industry

Working in tech, and feeling stressed and anxious? You are not alone. 


Written by Lauren Helm, Ph.D.

"More than three-fourths who say stress interferes with their work say it carries over to their personal life..." - ADAA Workplace Stress & Anxiety Disorders Survey

Working in the tech industry can exceptionally rewarding and exciting, offering employees the opportunity to engage in challenging, creative, and meaningful projects, while also receiving great pay, benefits, and perks. The tech industry is known for valuing innovation, creative problem-solving, and the development of products that can have a huge impact on our daily living. Flexible work schedules, remote working options, and investment in employee professional development and self-care (free food and drinks, yoga, and meditation rooms!) are now the norm for many employees in the tech industry. The emphasis on taking care of employees’ needs has been a positive outcome that was driven in part to draw in talent, prevent turnover, and improve productivity. Despite the tech industry's emphasis on treating employees well, those that work in tech are not immune to other aspects of the tech world that create conditions ripe for high stress and anxiety. Although not true of every tech company, many tech industry employees face pressure to work long hours, be consistently productive, play multiple roles, and meet urgent or unpredictable deadlines. Unfortunately, anxiety and stress in tech is commonplace, but not often openly discussed. However, it is nearly impossible to ignore the impact of workplace stress because it bleeds into so many other important areas of our lives, affecting our energy, relationships, play, financial security, self-care. and sense of satisfaction or purpose in life.


Understanding Work Stress

What makes a job stressful? Generally, job stress is thought to be a result of an interaction between the employee and the working conditions. In other words, certain people will be more stressed by certain jobs. Sometimes our personality or coping style is not be a good fit for the demands of a particular type of job. Some people thrive in fast-paced settings, and others are worn down by them. When the job is not a good fit for someone, job stress is likely to occur.

Though unique employee characteristics often affect a person’s sense of stress in the workplace, for most people, feeling overtaxed, overworked, and minimally supported are universal recipes for increased job stress. Other sources of job stress may be certain workplace conditions that lead to stress, as identified by the CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (see NIOSH job stress article here), including the design of tasks (i.e. workload, breaks, length of workdays, tasks that don’t having meaning or provide a sense of control), management style (i.e. poor communication, not involving employees in decision-making), interpersonal relationships (i.e. lack of support from coworkers or supervisors, conflict with coworkers), work roles (i.e. unclear expectations or too many job responsibilities), career concerns (i.e. job insecurity, no room for growth), and environmental conditions (i.e. potentially dangerous working conditions, including crowding, noise, pollution, ergonomic problems). Universal psychological factors discussed in this APA blog that often lead to job stress include a sense of powerlessness and traumatic events that occur while on the job.


Stress in the Tech industry & Start-Up Culture

Those who work in the tech industry or in start-ups often face anxiety-provoking work environments on a daily basis, dealing with fast-paced and high-pressure environments that demand significant and sometimes unforgiving amounts of flexibility, creativity, and productivity. It can feel like life is being consumed by work, instead of being supported by it. Larger tech companies may leave employees feeling overworked and undervalued, like a "cog in a wheel," despite the significant time and effort they sacrifice in the service of the company. Start-ups may feel chaotic, unpredictable, and disorganized. Although employees may be expected to take on multiple roles, and projects require urgent attention, there may be poor guidance and communication, leaving employees frustrated and confused. Irregular sleep schedules and social isolation deplete needed inner resources for coping. All of these conditions are a recipe for chronic stress, anxiety, and depression, exacerbated by a culture of silence around mental health that deprives employees of much needed support and time for self-care.


Coping with a Stress at Work

Ultimately, stress both inside and outside of the workplace can have a significant impact on our ability to thrive. Selecting the most supportive work environment possible, and learning how to effectively manage stress, can potentially tremendously impact not only psychological and physical well-being, but work-performance and success as well. However, whether you work in tech or not, it is not always be possible to work at a job that is a good fit for your personality or needs. If you struggle with chronic stress or anxiety as a result, know that you don't have to suffer in silence or alone. Getting support is crucial: whether it be from friends, family, support groups, or a therapist you trust. Additionally, coping with the day to day stress as best you can with healthy strategies can help. Here are a few tips for coping with the often unavoidable work-related stress:

  • Use a planner or calendar system to keep track of your schedule of activities: Although we often use multiple online, paper, or smartphone calendar systems, try to stick with just one (or two, if necessary) calendar or planner so that keeping track of your schedule doesn't become too complicated. For some, using a web-based calendar that can be easily updated and has automated to-do reminders integrated in is most effective, for others, using a paper-and-pencil weekly planner is more intuitive and intrinsically rewarding. Find a system that seems clear and easy to follow, and reference your planner regularly. This saves cognitive energy, because you don't have to hold everything you need to do in memory, and you can free up your attention to what needs to be attended to in the moment. Track work-related obligations and make sure to block off time in your schedule after work for valued-activities, self-care, friends/family, exercise, healthy eating, relaxation, and fun!

  • Try to avoid over-scheduling your work day (if possible) and home life: Regular use of time-management skills is often essential for maintaining healthy work/life balance when you work at a high-pressure workplace. If you have the ability to go home during a set time, do your best to follow that consistently. Depending on your unique situation, it may be helpful to avoid long hours in the workplace at the expense of other important aspects of your life, such as your physical health, relationships with friends or family, or time spent on hobbies or passions. Ask yourself: Am I working to live, or living to work? Can work be a part of my life, not all my life?

  • Try to create a separation between your work day and personal life in whatever way is feasible. The line between work and home life does not need to be rigid. Although healthy boundaries that separate work and home life can be difficult to create with the quickly changing landscape of the tech industry, they may prevent you from carrying the stress of work home, and give you the opportunity to experience restoration by focusing on rest, relaxation, and play.

  • Allow yourself time to decompress and unwind after work: If you live with other people, it might be helpful to take 15-30 minutes to yourself to rebalance after a hectic workday before interacting so that you can prevent spill-over stress (so often we get into arguments because we are worn thin from a bad day at work). Try to let your loved ones know in advance that you taking this time is nothing personal, this is just a needed self-care routine and that allows you to be more refreshed and connected afterwards. Practice activities that help you release the tension of work as much as possible, whether it is a hot bath, a walk of silence in nature, listening to music, engaging in aerobic exercise, riding your bike, meditating, or journaling about your day.

  • Make sure to take your workday breaks. For some, it can be tempting to skip or shorten lunch or other work breaks to make sure you finish that important project on time. However, try to prioritize breaks just as you would any other work requirement. Your mental health and well-being is critical for sustained effort and attention. Try to use your breaks to do non-work related activities - think of it as "you" time. Use the time to hang out with coworkers, to exercise your body, or to practice stress-management activities outlined below. If your job offers you self-care based-perks, make sure to take advantage of them to help you to refresh and restore.

  • Use stress-management & relaxation techniques throughout your day. During every opportunity that you can (e.g. allowed work breaks), practice relaxation and stress-management techniques to care for your body and mind. Exercise is a stress-management activity that can help discharge the physiological buildup of energy from anxiety or frustration, or energize and activate your mind during mental slumps or brain fog. Take the opportunity to walk (outside, if possible) during a break. Practice slow, diaphragmatic breathing at about 6 breaths per minute (5 second inhale, 5 second exhale) for 5 minutes to create physiological balance. Do gentle stretching after sedentary periods. Use a mindfulness app to help guide you through a 5-mintue meditation break. Use a creative outlet using a doodle book. Pay attention to whatever nourishes and restores you.

  • Remember that you can't be perfect, and that's okay. True perfection isn't possible. A fear of failure often underlies the drive for perfection, but "failure" is often a necessary ingredient for learning and growth within multiple contexts of our lives, including our jobs. Try to remember that everyone you work with, including your boss or CEO, is imperfect, even if they do not show it. On a practical level, If you find that your job description and what you are actually doing in the workplace consistently don't match up, it might be worthwhile consult with someone about whether to talk about this with your employer to clarify expectations and brainstorm ways of addressing the discrepancy, so that both your and the organization's needs are better met.

  • Speak up about the importance of mental health: Mental health stigma is a powerful oppressive force, often leading us to hide our emotional pain, and feel isolated and alone in our suffering. The reality is, approximately 1 in 5 individuals experiences mental illness within a given year. Anxiety and depression are much more common than most people think. Cultural myths that anxiety or depression are signs of "weakness" can be especially prevalent in certain industries. Stigma perpetuates shame and fear of judgment, creating a cycle of silence and suffering that prevents many from seeking needed support. Avoid shaming others who appear struggling. Invite open, accepting dialogue, recognizing that we are all human, and we all struggle.

  • Get support.

    • Open Sourcing Mental Illness (OSMI) is a non-profit devoted to spreading mental health awareness, education, and resources within the tech industry.

    • Check out Startups Anonymous, a forum devoted to providing anonymous and positive feedback for those struggling in the tech industry.

    • Prompt is an initiative started by members of the tech industry to start more conversation about mental health in tech.

    • You might search for online or in-person support groups near you.

    • Receive support by opening up with trusted family members or friends.

    • Consider scheduling an appointment with a therapist or counselor to receive additional support, especially if anxiety or depression starts to pervade your life.

    • Talkspace is a subscription-based app to talk to therapists and counselors via text and video chat.

Know that you are not alone, and there is help available.

Follow Rise Psychology on Facebook or Twitter (@risepsychology)


Sauter, S., Murphy, L., Colligan, M., Swanson, N., Hurrell, J., Scharf, F., Sinclair, R., Grubb, P., Goldenhar, L., Alterman, T., Johnston, J., Hamilton, A., Tisdale, J. (1999) work. Retrieved from

Miller, L. & Smith, A. Stress in the workplace. Retrieved from

Weiss, S. & Molitor, N. Mind/body health: Job stress. Retrieved from

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Lauren Helm Lauren Helm

Feeling Lost in Anxious Thoughts & How to Find Your Way Again

Does anxiety ever cause you to feel lost? This blog covers how anxious thought patterns keep us stuck in anxiety, and how CBT & ACT strategies can help us get out of thinking traps.


Written by Lauren Helm, Ph.D.

We’ve all felt anxiety at some point in our lives (likely many times over, in fact), though perhaps it manifested in different ways. You may have noticed the rapid increase of your heart rate, faster, constricted breaths, the growing tension in your shoulders and neck, cold or clammy hands, or unease in the pit of your stomach. The experience of anxiety is unpleasant, to say the least, and as it builds, it certainly has a way of getting our attention.

Anxiety Has a Purpose

Why do we experience the uncomfortable sensations of anxiety? From an evolutionary perspective, fear and anxiety (two related but slightly different emotions) have a function: they keep us alive. More specifically, fear and anxiety are emotions that occur in response to a perceived threat. When we believe that something may harm us or is dangerous, we feel these emotions and they motivate us to protect ourselves from the danger, typically either by avoiding or escaping the threat.


Without fear or anxiety, we may not react to truly dangerous situations in an adaptive way, and thus not survive as a species. Imagine walking along and crossing paths with a Grizzly Bear. It certainly would not be helpful to feel no fear, and to feel like running up and hugging it! Our emotions give us invaluable information about the environment and about what actions we should take to protect our survival, based on how we feel.

Cognitive Errors

As incredible as our brains are, they also are prone to errors. We are not always able to accurately assess the true amount of danger (or safety) that may be present in our surroundings. Sometimes this means that we may miss a true threat that was present and suffer the consequences. However, in our modern day society, more often than not we experience the opposite – we overestimate the true amount of threat and thereby experience excessive anxiety as a result.

The problem with excessive anxiety is that it can negatively impact the quality of our lives in multiple ways. Prolonged, pervasive anxiety has an impact on our physical well-being, in addition to our psychological well-being. Chronic stress and anxiety can lead to a deterioration of optimal physical functioning, preventing your immune system, digestive system, and heart from performing the best that they can. Chronic anxiety may also interfere with your ability to sleep, eat, and generally function as you’d like to in life.

Depending on the context, anxiety may be an adaptive or problematic force in our lives.  In excess, the symptoms of anxiety can be overwhelming and interfere with our quality of lives, and thus it is often a worthwhile use of our time to become well-versed in the “language” of anxiety. Namely, how does it appear, and why? Once I understand anxiety, what can I do about it?

There are many different theories about what causes problematic anxiety, but this blog will focus on how anxiety may be developed and maintained by certain unhelpful thinking patterns. Cognitive distortions, or inaccurate thinking patterns, typically feed anxious feelings. They also may lead to avoidant behaviors, which perpetuate anxious thoughts and feelings. When the cycle of anxious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors occurs outside of our awareness, we can be left feeling baffled and as if our lives have begun to spiral out of our control. 

Perceived Threat

From an evolutionary perspective, it can be considered advantageous to be very sensitive to possible threat. In other words, our primal ancestors were more likely to survive if they very quickly and accurately responded to potentially dangerous situations. However, in modern day, an over-active threat-detection system can become burdensome. A low threshold for perceiving threat (i.e. situations very easily feel threatening) and an attentional bias to threat (i.e. focusing and narrowing your attention on potential dangers that surround you) can be a constant source of anxiety. Our threat-detection threshold and anxiety-proneness may be partly genetic, but it also is likely a result of having a previous experience that was stressful, anxiety-provoking, or traumatic. Our brains generally keenly remember frightening experiences so that we will readily detect the warning signs in the future and be better able to avoid encountering a similar potentially dangerous situation again. It makes sense that our brains are designed to work this way, but it also means that we have to cope with the surge of anxiety that comes from many "false alarms."

Catastrophic Thinking

Another thinking pattern that feeds anxiety is called catastrophic thinking. Catastrophic thinking occurs when our mind jumps to imagining worst-case scenarios when we are uncertain about an outcome. For example, our mind may imagine that our loved one has been involved in a car accident because they still haven’t returned home 30 minutes after they said that they would. Catastrophic thoughts may also be hidden from our conscious awareness, but still cause us to feel anxious and on edge. Catastrophic thoughts are often triggered by uncertainty and the unknown, and are attempts at anticipating and (ideally) preventing or avoiding very painful, negative imagined outcomes. 

Probability Overestimation

Furthermore, probability overestimation occurs  along with catastrophic thinking – this is when we overestimate how likely it is that the “worst-case scenario” has or will occur. When we are feeling anxious, we often feel very certain that the worst-case scenario will occur even though realistically-speaking, the chances are much lower (or are little to none) that what we fear will actually happen. This feeling of certainty that the negative outcome will occur motivates us to take action to prevent it from happening ("it's better safe than sorry!"). Unfortunately, we may anxiously expend significant energy and time trying to prevent something that is not actually like to happen at all, without finding substantial or long-lasting relief. 


Worry and catastrophic thinking go hand-in-hand. When we worry, we dwell on the many possible negative “what if” scenarios, and use extensive cognitive energy to plan for or prevent these potential future threats from occurring. In moderation, planning for future threats can be helpful, but when it begins to take excessive time and energy (which is quite exhausting), it becomes maladaptive and interferes with your ability to function optimally. More often than not, the cost of worrying exceeds the benefits (it may become a waste of energy) and actually feeds the anxiety that it is intending to placate. Because worrying tends to happen in the form of verbal or analytical thinking and planning, it is thought that worrying can act as a form of cognitive avoidance that prevents full processing of emotions associated with catastrophic thoughts. Excessive worrying that is difficult to control can cause us to be constantly on-guard and on-edge, leading to muscle tension, concentration & sleep difficulties, and trouble relaxing. Worrying can also be self-reinforcing - if we believe that we thwarted a negative outcome because we worried (a coping strategy, of sorts), we will most likely engage in worrying again in the future. Unfortunately, worrying rarely pays off in the way we intend for it to.


These are just a few ways that our patterns of thinking can create and maintain anxiety, leaving us feeling trapped in our minds. Now we will explore strategies intended to help individuals suffering from anxiety develop more adaptive ways of responding to anxious thoughts, so that they can get unstuck. We will explore two evidence-based treatments provide strategies for managing unhelpful, unproductive thinking patterns.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) identifies how certain types of thoughts or ways of thinking in response to perceived threats actually create more difficulty for us, and potentially lead to anxiety, stress, low mood, and other problems. Simply put, situations do not cause negative emotions; our perceptions of them do.  

Some of the unhelpful or inaccurate patterns of thinking (cognitive distortions) related to anxiety include catastrophic thinkingprobability overestimation (overestimating the likelihood of a negative outcome), worry, filtering out the positive and only seeing the negative, jumping to conclusions, mind reading (thinking you know another person’s intent for acting in a certain way, when this may not be true), personalizing, and black and white thinking. CBT therapists help individuals to alleviate the consuming nature of anxiety by using various strategies to address these cognitive distortions.

The various approaches that are used in CBT to deal with these types of “inaccurate” thinking patterns have historically served a common purpose: correct and change the “thinking errors” that create anxiety. Over time, CBT has evolved and has placed more emphasis on helping people to generate more flexible, adaptive thoughts and responses to their thoughts. Instead of merely trying to replace one problematic thought with a more helpful one, CBT can help an individual to generate more balanced and healthy thoughts, and more easily identify and non-reactively respond to problematic, anxiety-provoking thoughts.


In other words, if you notice that you are thinking in inaccurate ways, it is likely best to recognize that it may not be helpful to act on this inaccurate thought, and better to generate a new, alternative way of thinking about the situation that helps you to successfully reach your goals. Instead of trying “not to think” a thought (suppressing or shut out a problematic thought), modern versions of CBT emphasize helping you create more thoughts that are based on a more balanced review of available information, and are informed by your goals in a particular situation. Cognitive rigidity, or getting stuck in one narrow way of thinking, is usually what contributes to us further being consumed by anxious thinking and behaving. Thus, CBT encourages you to increase your cognitive and behavioral flexibility (working towards developing a wide range of thinking and responding).

Cognitive Restructuring

Cognitive restructuring is a CBT intervention that helps individuals get “unstuck” from the “mind traps” that thinking errors create. Socratic questioning is often used to help facilitate cognitive restructuring and get at the truth. This approach is usually built into CBT therapy sessions to help change problematic thinking patterns.

change your thoughts

Here is an example of methods you might use with a therapist to "restructure" a problematic thought:

  1. Identify and write down the "hot" or emotionally-charged thought elicited in response to a particular situation.
  2. Challenge the thought (i.e. “Is this a realistic thought?” “Is it helpful?”) and write down your answers.
  3. Explore and write down the objective evidence for or against the thought (i.e. What are the facts? Has this happened before?) to discern whether the thought is accurate or not.
  4. Identify other possible alternative explanations that are based on the facts in order to put the thought in perspective.
  5. Generate and write down a new, balanced, and more helpful thought about the triggering situation from which to act on. 


To more specifically target catastrophic and probability overestimation, thinking traps that fuel anxiety, decatastrophizing is a cognitive restructuring technique that is very helpful for providing perspective and relief. Decatastrophizing helps to reduce the believability of catastrophic thoughts, which as mentioned above, often feel much more likely to happen than they actually are.

If you feel trapped in an anxious thought loop, you may try using decatastrophizing. A therapist trained in decatastrophizing can help you work through catastrophic thoughts that are particularly difficult for you to unhook from.

The first step of decatastrophizing is to more clearly uncover the catastrophic thoughts and negative core beliefs that are often lurking beneath surface-level anxious thinking. Specifically, the downward arrow technique is used to dig below the automatic thoughts that we are consciously aware of to get at the core negative beliefs that are driving our anxiety. For each thought that is uncovered, it is followed up by a "What If" prompt, such as "If that were true, then what would that mean? What does your mind tell you will happen?"

Here is a hypothetical example of how the downward arrow technique might be applied for someone struggling with social anxiety is as follows:  

  • Client: "I feel super anxious about going out with this new friend because I'm afraid I'll say something stupid."
  • Therapist: "If you did say something stupid, then what would happen?"
  • Client: "If I say something stupid, then they may think I'm stupid, and not like me."
  • Therapist: "If that were to happen, then what would that mean?"
  • Client: "If they thought I was stupid and didn't like me, then that might mean that I am unlikeable"
  • Therapist: "What does your mind tell you would happen then, if you were unlikeable?"
  • Client: "Well then no one would like me. I would have no friends. Actually, my mind is telling me that I would never be able to make friends."
  • Therapist: "And then what? What would that mean? What's the worst case scenario?"
  • Client: "If I didn't have friends, it would feel like I've lost everything - I would be miserable. I think it would also mean that there's something wrong with me. Something fundamentally flawed to make me unlikeable. That would be terrible"
  • Therapist: "And on an emotional, experiential level, how likely does it feel that this would actually happen? How real does it feel?"
  • Client: "Oh, like 98-100%"

By uncovering core catastrophic thoughts, and probability overestimation, we get a sense of what the client was actually guarding against by not going out with her new friend - facing the fear that she was fundamentally flawed, and thus would not be able to retain any relationships in her life. Usually, catastrophic thoughts and core beliefs like this drive entrenched anxiety and other painful emotions. By clearly identifying what thoughts are really behind our emotional and behavioral reactions, we can more directly and effectively challenge them. 

The second phase of decatastrophizing can then move into nonjudgmental questioning and testing of these thoughts. Questioning the actual likelihood that these anticipated outcomes will come true by evaluating factual evidence that supports or does not support these thoughts, helps our minds begin to absorb in important information: whether or not we are likely to face these worst case scenario outcomes at all. Additionally, by bringing emotionally-charged thoughts more fully into our conscious awareness, and seeing what they are really made of, their believability and charge is diminished. Another component of decatastrophizing entails inquiring about and planning for how you would be likely to respond, even if the worst-case scenario were to happen.

  • Therapist: "Based on the facts of your past experience, have you ever experienced having everyone dislike you before? Have you lost all of your friendships and relationships with others?"
  • Client: "Well, no, I've lost a few friends before, but that wasn't because they thought I was stupid, as far as I know, we just realized we didn't have a lot in common. I guess I've never lost all my friendships, especially not all at once or forever - I've always had at least someone in my life, or connected with someone new later down the line."
  • Therapist: "Based on the evidence, how likely would you say it is that you would actually lose all relationships in your life?"
  • Client: "Haha, well in reality, it seems like it's pretty unlikely. Probably like 0-3% likely to happen."
  • Therapist: "What would have to happen for you to actually lose all relationships in your life, so that you were never able to make any more friends?"
  • Client: "Gosh, I guess it would have to take something really big...actually, I'm not really sure there would be something that would guarantee I had no friends, unless I just stopped wanting them entirely, which I don't really see happening..."
  • Therapist: "And if you actually did lose all of your friendships at one point, how could you potentially cope and respond? How have you gotten through something similar in the past?"
  • Client: "I probably would keep making the effort to put myself out there the best I could. Maybe make sure to go to events with people that are more likely to be nonjudgmental, and have similar interests in me. If I had trouble with it emotionally, I could go back to therapy and or support groups. It would be really hard, but I'd find a way."
  • Therapist: "What's a new way of looking at this upcoming time out with your friend?:
  • Client: "Well, now I realize more fully that I don't actually risk as much as I thought I would. If it goes well, great, but if not, it's not the end of the world. I feel in my gut that I will always have the connection I need, with someone. I guess it's worth the risk to go and try out this experience, and who knows, maybe I'll have some fun?"

In this example, by the end of the exercise, the client's negative beliefs were put in perspective and objectively evaluated, given her the chance to obtain healthy distance from the thought that she may risk being rejected not only by this new friend, but all others in her life. The downward arrow technique and thought-challenging could have also been applied to the belief that the client was fundamentally flawed or unlikeable, which caused her to feel unsafe in herself and her relationships. There are many ways that these cognitive restructuring strategies can be used to help free ourselves from the anxiety-labyrinth created in our minds.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) guides individuals in becoming aware of not only their thoughts, but also their enmeshment, or fusion, with these thoughts. Cognitive fusion refers to how much we believe our thoughts, and thereby grant them power and “reality” in our lives. We often forget that every thought filters how we see the world, and dramatically impacts our direct experiencing of life. Regardless of how “true” our thoughts may be, they are still just thoughts.

Cognitive Defusion

Thus, ACT therapists help individuals practice cognitive defusion, reducing our entanglement with our thoughts. In other words, by taking our thoughts less literally, we learn how to become less attached to and controlled by our thoughts. We learn how to see them for what they really are. A thought is just a thought, an electro-chemical reaction. Thousands and thousands of thoughts stream through our minds per day. With ACT, we learn how to give them less power over us, and take back the power of choosing which thoughts we want to listen to (for example, being guided by a thought that supports us in acting in valued ways, as opposed to avoidant ways). With ACT, we focus less on changing the thought itself, and more on changing our relationship with the thought. We learn to relate to thoughts as just thoughts, products of a very active mind, instead of products of reality. Holding our thoughts lightly, seeing them from a healthy distance, and responding to them nonjudgmentally can allow us let them go so that we can get out of our minds and back into our lives.

Cognitive defusion techniques are practices that help us achieve this aim. These techniques may include exercises such as:

  • Labeling your thoughts "I am having the thought that..." or "I notice that my mind is having a judgmental thought."
  • Singing your anxious thought out loud (or in your mind) to the tune of a silly song (like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or any other song of your choice) 
  • Thank your mind for the thought, such as "Thank you mind for that thought. I appreciate your contribution but I got this."
  • Repeating an anxiety provoking word over and over in your mind until you begin to hear it as just a word
  • Ask what the thought is in the service of. Is it in the service of your values or in the service of avoidance of discomfort?
  • Watch your thoughts: Imagine your thoughts are like a news scroll reel, constantly streaming information that you can watch from a distance.
  • Practice mindfulness of your thoughts, such as using the Leaves on a Stream mindfulness meditation.

These are just a few ways that cognitive defusion can be promoted, helping us to take our thoughts less seriously, leaving them with less power over us. When our thoughts have a less powerful hold on our experience, they become less threatening. We then have more freedom to invest our attention and energy elsewhere. For a more comprehensive list of cognitive defusion techniques, visit this list on the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science's website.

Additionally, ACT asserts that we have limited control over which thoughts or emotions we experience. The problem is less in the content of our thinking or feeling, and more in what we do with these thoughts or emotions, or how we relate to them. In other words, we can change our relationship with our thoughts so that we can focus our energy on what is truly worthy and important to us, instead of using most of our energy on trying to simply manage or reduce unpleasant thinking. 

In sum, awareness of our thinking patterns is often the first step, and changing how we approach our thoughts is the next step along the way of healing and wellness.


These two approaches may resonate differently for different people. Both CBT and ACT are evidence-based treatments for anxiety, and can help those who struggle with the reign of anxiety get back into living full and meaningful lives.

If you are interested in having assistance with unhelpful thinking patterns, Dr. Lauren Helm is trained in both CBT and ACT. If you'd like to speak with Dr. Lauren Helm, a licensed clinical psychologist at Rise Psychology trained in exposure therapy, please click here

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Barlow, D. H. (2004). Anxiety and its disorders: The nature and treatment of anxiety and panic. Guilford press.

Behar, E., DiMarco, I. D., Hekler, E. B., Mohlman, J., & Staples, A. M. (2009). Current theoretical models of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): Conceptual review and treatment implications. Journal of Anxiety Disorders23(8), 1011-1023.

Beck, A. T., Emery, G., & Greenberg, R. L. (2005). Anxiety disorders and phobias: A cognitive perspective. Basic Books.

Ellis, A. (1962). Reason and Emotion In Psychotherapy. New York: Lyle Stuart

Hayes, S. C., & Smith, S. (2005). Get out of your mind and into your life: The new acceptance and commitment therapy. New Harbinger Publications.

Sibrava, N. J., & Borkovec, T. D. (2006). The cognitive avoidance theory of worry. Worry and its psychological disorders: Theory, assessment and treatment, 239-256.

Whalley, M. G. (2015). Self-help tools for panic. Psychology Tools


Cognitive Distortions and Restructuring Handout:




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Lauren Helm Lauren Helm

Exposure Therapy: Find Freedom From Fear & Anxiety

Struggling with fear or anxiety? Find out why exposure therapy is used for anxiety, how it works, and if it might be right for you.


Written by Lauren Helm, Ph.D. 

“Face your fears.” The wisdom of this adage is built into exposure therapy, an intervention that has been extensively researched and shown to be very effective in treating various anxiety disorders. What is exposure therapy? This blog will break down why exposure therapy is used for anxiety, and how it works:

Why Exposure Therapy is Used for Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are characterized by anxiety that has taken on a life of its own, interfering with a person’s relationships, work, and quality of life.  Although fear and anxiety are normal emotional responses to threat (these emotions motivate us to avoid potentially harmful situations), anxiety disorders are characterized by pervasive and functionally-impairing levels of anxiety. It is proposed by behavioral psychologists that anxiety disorders develop as a result of classical, operant, and vicarious conditioning, important psychological concepts from learning theory that inform and guide exposure therapy.

Classical conditioning (Pavlovian conditioning) refers to associative learning. A conditioned response usually occurs after repeated pairing of a conditioned stimulus (usually a neutral stimulus) with an unconditioned stimulus. If an aversive stimulus (e.g. a loud, startling noise) that leads to an unconditioned response (e.g. a startle response) is repeatedly paired with a neutral stimulus (e.g. a fuzzy teddy bear), the two stimuli become linked, and the neutral, conditioned stimulus (e.g. the fuzzy teddy bear) will now evoke a similar response (e.g. a startle response, now considered a conditioned response) to the aversive stimulus. Classical conditioning is thought to play a role in the development of chronic, problematic anxiety. For example, let's imagine that a person becomes unpredictably violently ill and experiences serious, uncontrollable vomiting (i.e. the unconditioned stimulus) while he is shopping in a grocery store. He feels very anxious and on edge (i.e. the unconditioned response) as a result of the unexpected and severe nature of the illness. For some reason, he becomes ill on a few separate trips to various grocery stores, just by coincidence, and begins experiencing severe anxiety (i.e. the conditioned response) associated with even thinking about going into a grocery store (i.e. the conditioned stimulus). He stops going to grocery stores because of the severe anxiety and fear of experiencing another illness episode (even though grocery stores are not the direct cause of either becoming sick or the original anxious response) and his ability to take care of his needs is compromised. 

Operant conditioning is also thought to play a role in the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders. Operant conditioning is a behavioral principle that refers to the learning that occurs because we experience either "reinforcement" or "punishment" as a consequence of something that we did or didn't do. This is learning that occurs as a result of the consequences of our actions. Reinforcement refers to anything that feels rewarding to us, and brings us pleasure or relief. Punishment refers to anything that is aversive or painful - something we do not want to experience. The man in our example above who became very ill found substantial relief (i.e. reinforcement) from avoiding going into grocery stores, which reinforced his use of avoidance behavior, and made him more likely to do avoid grocery stores in the future. When we avoid or escape something that makes us feel afraid, we feel relief, and simultaneously may make the conclusion that because we found relief, we must have escaped true danger. In sum, fear and anxiety are reinforced and strengthened as a result of the short-term relief that avoidance behaviors provide. An avoidance behavior is anything we do (or do not do) to avoid or escape something that causes (or "triggers") anxiety. However, avoidance of anxiety can lead to an escalating cycle of anxiety and avoidance. The next time we encounter the feared stimulus (i.e. the thing that triggered our anxiety, whether it be a person, place, thing, thought, memory, emotion, or physical sensation) in the future, the more likely we are to experience a more heightened fearful or anxious response (because we believe it to be truly dangerous), and to have stronger urges to avoid or escape.

Vicarious conditioning is social or observational learning - meaning that we learn by watching the consequences of others' behavior as they interact with the world. A young child may learn that the world is a dangerous, scary place by watching her mother look frequently frightened and anxious, commenting that she must always be on guard because otherwise she will get hurt. Perhaps a fear of dogs is developed by watching a friend get seriously injured from being bitten by a dog. We learn about the dangers of the world by observing others go through something frightening, and how they react, even if we have not directly experienced the same thing ourselves.

What It Is & How It Works

In exposure therapy, a therapist collaborates with her client to generate a list of relevant anxiety-provoking experiences (that are not actually dangerous) intended to elicit the very fear that the person has been avoiding. Exposures are developed based on the types of situations and emotional experiences that are avoided and cause problems in an individual's life. Although this may seem counter-intuitive, it is an extremely effective behavioral approach that helps individuals free themselves from the problematic cycle of anxiety and avoidance. Essentially, the reinforcement of avoidance is “blocked” during exposure therapy, and the client completing exposures begins learning how to face his or her fears without avoidance. In doing so, habituation occurs, which is like desensitization. When someone is exposed to something fear-provoking (that does not lead to a negative outcome) over enough time, the fear-provoking situation begins to lose potency. So long as the situation the client is exposed to is not truly dangerous, anxiety and fear will naturally drop off. With repeated exposures, the level of anxiety that is triggered becomes less intense and long-lasting. When avoidance is prevented during exposure therapy, the fear/anxiety response is no longer reinforced and strengthened. This leads the fear response to extinguish, fading away as time passes. New learned associations often occur after the feared-outcome does not occur, and the belief that the anxiety-causing situation was dangerous becomes less powerful and salient (e.g. "I guess I am safe and okay after all!"). 



Most people have trepidation about starting exposure therapy. It is understandably very uncomfortable, at least in the short-term. However, the long-term benefits can far outweigh the discomfort that may occur along with exposure therapy. Usually, it turns out that we hold beliefs about emotions (especially the emotions of fear and anxiety) that interfere with our willingness to effectively face our fears.

Common myths about emotion typically include beliefs that:

  • Fear or anxiety will continue to escalate (without a ceiling effect or peak) indefinitely until the person gets away from whatever is causing them anxiety
  • Fear or anxiety will become so intense that it will cause physical harm or death
  • Fear or anxiety will become so intense that it will cause psychological damage, insanity, a loss of control, etc.

These beliefs often reflect a fear of emotions stemming from a commonly-held belief that emotions are dangerous. In and of themselves, emotions are not dangerous – they are physiological sensations (along with thought & urges). The sensations are designed to motivate us to act. The feelings that come along with emotions may be experienced as overwhelming (especially when we don’t understand them or it feels as though they can do us harm), but they will not hurt you (and it is not physically possible for them to intensify beyond a certain point). Frequently, exposure therapy results in the added benefit of being able to tolerate and accept intense emotions, and the learned experience that it is safe to fully feel your emotions. It’s what you do with your emotions that count – how we ACT can have a beneficial or detrimental effect on our lives and well-being. Therapists help you to learn how to effectively respond to your emotions, so that they don’t restrict your way of life.

A therapist who is well-trained in exposure therapy principles and will explain in more detail why it is not the case that intense, acute emotional experiences cause harm. In fact, one of the principles of exposure therapy is to ensure that individuals are absolutely not caused harm – otherwise that would defeat the point! Exposure therapy is all about learning that despite the anxiety, there is no danger, but rather, safety. Once this is sufficiently experientially learned and processed (not just known intellectually), dramatic change begins to occur.

Don’t worry – your therapist will collaborate with you to figure out the best pace of treatment. Depending on your needs, you may opt to participate in flooding (which essentially means that you face some of your most intense fears right away), or the more commonly used approach, gradual exposure (you work your way up an exposure hierarchy, starting with mild-moderate fears). Both approaches have been found to be equally effective, but differ in the length of time that they may take to complete, and in the likelihood of premature drop-out. Remember, exposure requires repeated practice facing your fears until a re-learning occurs. Sticking with exposure therapy until anxiety has naturally begun to dissipate (or tolerance of anxiety has increased) is essential for success.

It isn't easy by any means. But for many, completing exposure therapy can be deeply worthwhile. Finding out that you can successfully face your fears helps you to learn on an experiential level that you are *safe,* even if fear or anxiety show up. It may also help you connect with the tremendous strength and resilience that you have within you to help you move through challenge - inner resources that are invaluable for rebuilding a fundamental sense of trust in our ability to navigate what life brings us.

Are you interested in using exposure therapy to tackle your fears? If you'd like to speak with Dr. Lauren Helm, a licensed clinical psychologist at Rise Psychology trained in exposure therapy, please click here


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Blog reposted from Center for Stress & Anxiety Management blog:


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